Monday, July 16, 2018

Ballad For The Lost Official Poster

Here is the official poster for Christophe: Ballad for the Lost - A Star Swamp Production. Poster by Teresa Swallow. This film is still in the film festival circuit and we will release any upcoming dates/screenings and festival information as it comes out. This is a smaller data file for social media use. We will send out a larger file that is printable for those who request it. Please contact us and we can email your file for print.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Son of the Saw Official Poster

 Here is the official poster for SON of the SAW. This is one of two official posters Star Swamp, LLC will be releasing for the film. Poster by Teresa Swallow. This is a smaller data file for social media use. We will send out a larger file that is printable for those who request it. Please contact us and we can email your file for print. Click on this link to view 1 of 3 teasers for the film